Welcome to My Yugioh TCG Page...

Yugioh TCG is one of the most popular card game around the world. It is surely fun to be played by everyone in their age. I have been playing this for about 8 years. If you're interested to play just try to play it. You can get this card at your local hobby store or you can buy it here ^^. Enjoy!

Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Deck Analysis : Dimensional Eatos

3x Beast King Barbaros
3x Evocator Chevalier
3x Guardian Eatos
1x Elemental Hero Stratos
3x Elemental Hero Neos Alius

1x Reinforcement of the Army

3x Dimensional Fissure
2x Forbidden Chalice
3x Gemini Spark
2x Emergency call
1x Smashing Ground
1x Book of Moon

2x Bottomless trap hole
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Magic Jammer
2x Dark Bribe
3x Macro Cosmos
3x Skill Drain
1x Seven Tools of the bandit

Side Deck
2x Mobius the frost monarch
2x Breaker the magical warrior
2x Cyber valley
1x Brain Control
1x Mind Control
2x Nobleman of Extermination
1x Soul Exchange
3x Compulsory Evacuation device
1x Lightning Vortex

Playtested Againts : Lightsworn all variant, ZombieDiva, Gigavis, Blackwing, non-meta
Worst matchup : non-meta .... -_-

Monsters : Sedikit,, tp tahan lama.. -Guardian Eatos- first turn sangatlah membantu..

Spells dan Traps: bergantung pada skill drain dan skill drain harus dijaga jangan sampai hancur,, gemini spark sangat efektif dengan adanya 6 monster gemini bintang 4, dan semua searchable.

Sidedecks : pakailah bila melawan yang men-sidedeck deck ini juga,, harus!!

Saran : memakai burden of the mighty sangat membantu, terutama bila tidak ada skill drain,,
Main weakness : sering tidak dapat monster --. deck kuat, tapi shuffle lah dengan baik.

Overall : 7,5/10

2 komentar:

  1. mau nanya ada kartu dimmensional eatos????

    kok d list monster ke-3 ada kartu dim eatos??????


  2. maksudnya guardian eatos..

    thx 4 the fix ^^
